| Lifestyle | Single In the City ~ The Dr Will See You Now

Hello beauties,


Welcome to the second instalment of Single in the City and this has to be one of the quickest most dull dates I’ve had in my life…and that is saying something


Let me set the scene; I’ve had a super long week at work, it’s a cold Thursday night in October and I’m actually coming home to put my face on and head out to meet a guy for drinks…. on a school night too! This is not the one, I love nothing more than a cosy night in.

I had been WhatsApping this guy for a while. Everything seemed pretty perfect, a year older than me, a farm boy, really polite and seeming a genuinely good guy.

I head to the bar we planned to meet at – or so I thought. Only me, yes I was in the wrong place. But shout out to the two girls that adopted me until he arrived to get me. Honestly if I knew then how the date would go I would have happily stayed with these chicks all night.

“Dr Boarding School” has just finished being on call for the week so texts he’s running slightly late, this is fine.  I’m happy with my glass of wine.

When he shows up, I catch his super posh accent (trying not to judge at first impression). We get drinks and head for a couple of cosy seats. He asks about my day and when I return the question I’m bombarded with medical Jargon that is never-ending… until FINALLY it does, with the words but I don’t want to bore you… Soz pal a bit late on that one. But its deffo written on my face by now…

Next up we are chatting about our childhood. And “Dr Boarding School” decides to tell me about the couple of beehives on the farm he grew up on. I, trying to get the convo on my level, laugh and jokingly say, “what kinda farm has beehives, they are supposed to have cows” which he then looks me dead in the eyes and with the most boarding school accent ever replies ” it was an arable farm actually, and was good for the honey although my mother didn’t like them much” –  cue Shonz awkward face… no chat, greaaat.

Next up the accent chat is happening, according to Dr boarding school I being a Scottish Islander only sound Northern to him… aka anywhere North of Southern England. This dude has really just gone there… Insulted?! Very.

He then proceeds to ask my thoughts on his accent,  which is obv you sound suuuuper posh…”Oh thats because I boarded from 8-18″ (tried to make a Wild Child reference… nope obviously he’s never heard of this film – does he even own a tv?! Unsure).

Cue me laughing at him telling me his plans to join the rowing club again… (V posh)

Adding to it more laughter (at him clearly) when he then tells me he has to get better from shoulder surgery after an accident playing cricket ( ANYYYY more posh son??!)


At this point I’m only an hour into this date, have I wasted makeup and looking cute to be out the flat an hour??! So I persevere and stay hoping things will improve..


Dr B School starts chatting about bad dates… is this a guy thing??? Like why are all the guys I see telling me about crap dates?! Are you hinting?!

Anyways Dr B School tells me he took a girl out from medical school and because she had zero eye contact with him it must have been ” a social experiment” I’m laughing, he is not… ohhh, he is serious. Whats this kid on?! I tell him I’m sure she would have shared the results if it were (this was said with total sarcasm) his reply is that it was deffo a social experiment. Okay you don’t catch social cues yourself then….

At this point I’m drinking my diet coke and wondering what I did in a past life to be in my current situ…time to whip out the excuse of work in the morning as a reason to leave…

I get the I had  a great night text when I get home and decide maybe I give the guy another chance…. am I being over dramatic…

Mondays texting got rid of all doubts when I tell him my Sunday was spent hungover binge watching Haunting of Hill House for 10 hours solid (3 nights of drinking) and he replies oh my housemate and I ran up a mountain. Time for me to send that not suited text and leave it at that…


Anyways I’ve now decided I’m now looking for a rugby playing farmer – sounds the dream tbh.


Have you had any recent dating disasters?


Until Next Time,
Shona Marie xo


Vote for me in The UK Blog awards here!


Catch my first dating disaster story here


24 thoughts on “| Lifestyle | Single In the City ~ The Dr Will See You Now

  1. Dating is hard because you can tell a few minutes into the date if you want a second date or not. If you don’t you have to force yourself to be there just so you won’t hurt your date feelings. I went out on a date with this guy one time and he barely spoke to me. He texted majority of the time. He told me that didn’t like where we were at because he knows to many people in the town we were in and that being seen with me was going to cause him drama. He told me this girl he use to date friends were in the restaurant we was in and they were going to tell her he was out with me. I didn’t want to be there anyways so I told him we can leave. He insisted to stay. We get the bill and he asked who was paying, he paid the bill. But he had the nerve to text me when I got home and everyday after the date as if he didn’t do anything wrong.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Not at all . Better dates are coming . Hopefully you’ll have a post about a good date. Good luck 💕


  2. oh goodness gracious that date sounds like it was absolutely awful lol i remember my first date with my ex boyfriend. we had flirted in high school so when i graduated, i finally got the nerve to ask him out. we went out for ice cream. i didn’t want to make any assumptions about who was paying but i kinda waited by the register with my ice cream to see what he would do. and he bluntly told me to pay for my own ice cream because he wasn’t going to pay. you would think that would be enough for me to run far away but nope. i proceeded to date that douche for 7 months lol i was young and stupid. i call it a blessing in disguise that he cheated on me later on. led me to my now fiance whom i have been with for 13 years and whom has never made me pay for a meal lol


  3. Hahaha, I love you take on your dating disaster. It was refreshing. I haven’t dated in like 10 years but I did date a guy who wanted to be a doctor. I am in love with music more than guys.


  4. Since I have been married for almost 20 years this post was very entertaining for me. It makes me happy I’m not having to date. I wish you luck and I hope you find Mr right soon!


  5. I remember reading your first post Single in the City post. This one was equally entertaining to read (but so sorry you had such a terrible time). You are such a great writer – you have to do a book! In the meantime, I hope you get that rugby playing farmer that understands social cues.
    xo Ros | ZenHealth

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great post to read. Dating really does throw some unsuitable dates at people. I remember the give who asked me if I wanted coke and I replied ‘I only drink Diet Coke’ to which he went,’Are you really that naive?’


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